*Yet another normal day on the Innocence...
(OOC: Knowledge of Gundam is required to understand this story)
..yet another way to waste more time.
Rin Kenpachi sighs mentally, as he takes yet another bored look from the viewing gallery of the Minerva class ship which he was assigned to, the Innocence. A veteran from the "Destiny Wars", he has fought against the evil Blue Cosmos, as well as for the Chairman Gil, when the ArchAngel appeared and tried to kill the Chairman. While he was not exactly happy with the "Destiny Plan", he was just a meer soldier, who has to follow orders.
Of course, the ArchAngel killed the Chairman, thanks to the defection of the Minerva, and a new ZAFT chairman was nominated.
Really, Rin doesn't care.
Soldiers should not get involved with politics. Leave the politics to those who are foolish enough to wade in that pool of filth, as he had always said to his friends.
Ever since the Destiny Wars ended, it has been quiet on the front. The peace which was shared between the Coordinators and the Naturals.
However, as every one knew, you still have to be alert, no matter how peaceful it seems to be.
After all, the Destiny Wars started when everyone was least expecting it.
Still, Rin was envious of his two other pilot, and childhood friends, who got the day off, since they were not on duty, wishing that he could join them instead of being stuck in the viewing gallery, waiting for something to happen.
Yet another sigh escaped him, as Rin started to count the number of bird which flew across the sky, doing almost everything to escape boredom.
"Announcing Condition Yellow. Announcing Condition Yellow. All Pilots, please report to the briefing room", the sexy voice of the Innocence's accouncer came blaring through the speakers, snapping Rin wide awake from his dreamland.
"The hell?", muttered Rin, as he ran towards the Pilot Briefing room.
Inside the room, the ship's Executive Officer had a video prepared, showing a squadron of ZGMF-2005 GOUF flying in the sky.
"Unidentified GOUFs heading towards this area. As you know, this area is used to create new and experimental machines. We don't want them stealing any."
"Take them out if necesary."
Rin tossed a quick salute, before heading towards the Elevator, which would take him towards the bay which held his Gundam.
Being a Red Coat, which means that he graduated at the top of his class, Rin was given permission to pilot one of the newer GUNDAMs after the Destiny War. This was something his friends envied, as they were still piloting ZAKUs and GOUFs, even though they are allowed to personalise their Machines.
After the usual proceedure of entering his cockpit, Rin activated his Gundam with a switch which controls the power.
Immediately, his controls came to life, each with a diferent set of light representing god-knows-what. His monitor, which was just recently showing a dead grey screen, light up, showing the positions of the enemy GOUFs.
Almost immediately, the words appeared on his screen.
"Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty"
Maneuver system.
After the usual trash appeared on his screen (Rin was surprised that they did not toss in Sponsor's logos inside as well), he waited for his GUNDAM to be loaded on the Innocence's Catapults.
"ZGMF-X78Z LEGACY. You're free to launch", the sexy voice came once again.
To that, Rin replied "Rin Kenpachi, LEGACY. Launching!" (Has-shin Shi-lou, read that in Japanese. Bwahahaha -Editor's note), as the panel on top turned from "ABORT ABORT ABORT" to "CLEAR CLEAR CLEAR: LAUNCH".
The normal formalities were said.
Now, it's time to kick some ass.
The catapult gave his Gundam unit enough thrust to launch into the air. Once the power cord was disengaged, he pressed the button labeled "Phase Shift".
Immediately, Legacy, which was coloured a dull grey, seemed to light up like a 500W torchlight in a dark maze. Rin was never one which liked fancy colours, which was why his Robot was white, with a hint of red and blue at certain arm and leg portions. While it may look plain, it was a simple design, enough to be lifely, but not overdoing it. Of course, Phase shift is supposed to be, after all, an armor, not some colour design for a gundam.
Legacy was the Gundam Rin is assigned to. It boasts 2 MX2351 "Solidus Fulgur" beam shield generator (OOC: Think Destiny), a MA-BAR72 high-energy beam rifle (OOC: Rifle from Force Impulse), a MMI-715 "Excalibur" anti-ship sword at the back (OOC:Sword Impulse) on the left, while a M2000GX high-energy long-range beam cannon was on the right (OOC:Destiny once again. That huge thing on Destiny's back).
It is once of the most advanced Gundams developed to date, although many has said that it pales in comparision to the famous Freedom and Justice Gundams. Some were even bold enough to say that the ZGMF-X42S Destiny was better.
Rin doesn't care about which bot is better. It's like some kind of playground fight. "My toy gun is better then yours..." type of remark.
No, what he cares is pilot ability. You can have the best toy gun, but if you can't shoot the pallets worth nuts, then, you won't be hitting anything worth nuts.
The first of the enemy GOUFs appeared on his screen. GOUFs are a bunch of nice Gundam, as Rin has known. However, they simply lack any decent defense. Three of them were destroyed by Legacy's beam Rifle before the GOUFs got anywhere close to use their "Slayer Whips".
Then, the fun began.
Rin used Legacy's superior speed to evade any attack, as he waited for his target module to lock on to any GOUFs before using the M2000GX to blow them into the molecular world. Heck, their standard was so low, Rin was barely using his Beam shields, as he evaded attack after attack.
Suddenly, his Threat Detector beeped, showing an enemy movement to the left. Tossing a Beam shield in that Direction, Rin flew upwards, barely evading an attack from a Red GOUF's Draupnir beam gun.
"So, that's the leader, eh?" Rin muttered, as he blew yet one more enemy GOUF to pieces.
"The battle is over once I take it down."
With that thought in mind, he used his brought his Beam Rifle forward, spamming shots all over the place, while trying to aim at the Red GOUF with his M2000GX.
For some reason, the Red GOUF was able to evade every single beam, while being able to stay out of the lock zone of Rin's M2000GX.
Time to change plans.
Picking up his MMI-715 "Excalibur" anti-ship sword, he activated the beam edge, and the sword. Legacy was not exactly designed for Close range fighting, but the Anti-ship sword has prettu much allowed that to happen, even though Rin would have preferred a Beam sabre.
But no matter.
While the GOUF was fast enough to evade his beam attacks, it was no where near being able to evade the speed of LEGACY's sword attacks.
Soon, Rin found an opening, caused by the GOUF trying to evade a previous strike, which was mistimed, allowing Rin to send a kick towards the GOUF, sending it spiraling towards the Sea.
Smiling, Rin made LEGACY fly towards the GOUF, ready to land the death blow.
"It ends now.."
However, suddenly, is threat detector blared once again, telling Rin to move to the right. Rin activated his beam shield, before moving quickly to the right, his path of attack being disrupted.
Rin was lucky to have moved.
Three seconds slower, and a beam would have pieced right through his Gundam, allowing Legacy to join the piles of trash lying at the bottom of the sea.
"What the...", he said to no one in particular, as he looked towards the source of interruption.
Another white Gundam. Red wings, with blue colourings on his chest.
"It can't be..." Rin muttered in disbelief.
(Insert Gundam Seed Destiny's 4th Ending song here, as camera slowly shifts towards the source of interruption
kimi no sugata wa
boku ni niteiru )
(shizuka ni naiteru you ni
mune ni hibiku.. )
(Camera shifts towards inside the cockpit, showing Shinn Asuka, with a determined look on his face)
(Ending scene takes over..
nanimo shiranai hou ga....)*
OOC: Since GSD is ending, I had been thinking of doing a Gundam fanfic for a while. This one pretty much came from one of the episodes, 24, I think, the one which Kira appeared and shot Minerva's main "Tannhäuser" cannon.
This story is pretty much making fun at the Gundam Series, the way they do their shows. LoL.
Maybe I'll complete this story one day..
And yes, being a Shinn fan, I don't believe that Shinn will die. =P
I'm really sorry for what I did. I don't expect you to forgive me, but I do hope that you will do so someday, even if it's like 30 years down the road. I should not have done what I did, but, to be honest, I wasn't exactly sure whether I was playing myself.....
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